We see the century-long trend: the Democratic Party and the Republican Party have become all about gaining political power. Therefore, today I introduce the Twelve Visions Party, a new political party that reverses the century-long power-grab by making politics only about protection and not about power.
I will begin by saying: There are ostensible qualities that on appearance I love about the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, qualities upon which rises the genuine Twelve Visions Party:
Let’s start with the Democratic Party:
I love the democrats’ idea of tolerance, acceptance, and protection of all races, religions, and social classes. The problem, as I pointed out before, is that our political parties supplant their original good intentions with a thirst for political power. So, the Democratic Party’s tolerance and love for people has transmogrified into a grotesque power-play to win groups…to win certain ethnic races, religions, and social classes or voting segments of our population, which has led to extraordinarily damaging consequences. For example, democrats push for extensive entitlements for those voting segments, in essence buying their votes. Those entitlements are now sinking America in mind-boggling debt. Those entitlements are bankrupting our children’s futures.
The original, beautiful idea of tolerance, acceptance, and protection of all people, of minorities and all religions and the unprotected ‘little guys’ inspired me and my Twelve Visions Party idea. In order to protect even the smallest of minorities, the Twelve Vision Party introduced the fundamental, natural law of protection — the Prime Law. The Prime Law protects the smallest of all minorities: the individual — a minority of one. It protects everyone equally and does not favor a group or significant voting segment of the population. Therefore, the vote-gathering power-play is not available for democrats. Thus, the Democratic Party hypocritically and shamefully has no interest in the protection of the smallest of all minorities — the individual. That responsibility instead falls on the Twelve Visions Party. In the end, the old party’s ostensible qualities of tolerance, acceptance, and protection of everyone, which I fell in love with, has been used as a trick to gain votes and political power at our expense. Now, the Twelve Visions Party with the Prime Law of Protection captures and enforces the original, beautiful idea of tolerance, acceptance, and protection of everyone…without tricking people for votes and political power.
Now let’s shift to the Republican Party:
I love the republicans’ idea of fiscal responsibility and limited government. The problem, as I pointed out before, is that our political parties supplant their original good intentions with a thirst for political power. So, the Republican Party’s fiscal responsibility and limited government (when in power) transmogrified into fiscal irresponsibility and government empowerment…into a grotesque power-play to buy or pander to groups or voting segments of our population, which has led to extraordinarily damaging consequences. For example, republicans when in power push for elaborate spending sprees (and for mandating personal morals) that please voting segments, in essence buying their votes. Those spending sprees have contributed to America’s insurmountable debt. Those spending sprees are now bankrupting our children’s futures.
The original, beautiful idea of fiscal responsibility and limited government inspired me and my Twelve Vision Party idea. In order to truly limit government, the Twelve Vision Party introduced the fundamental budget of limited government — the Protection-Only Budget (aka the Prime-Law Budget). The Protection-Only Budget funds only the fundamental, prime purpose of our government — physical safety and protection, which includes military, intelligence, domestic security, justice, courts, prisons, police, veterans. The Protection-Only Budget, bound to the Prime Law, protects everyone equally and does not favor or pander to a specific group or voting segment of the population. Therefore, the vote-gathering power-play is not available for republicans. Thus, the Republican Party hypocritically and shamefully has no interest in the Protection-Only Budget and its massive reductions that would immediately eliminate the deficit and eventually the debt. That responsibility to limit government and eradicate the debt instead falls on the Twelve Visions Party. In the end, the old party’s ostensible quality of fiscal responsibility and limited government, which I fell in love with, has been used as a trick to gain votes and political power at our expense. Now, the Twelve Visions Party with the Protection-Only Budget captures and enforces the original, beautiful idea of fiscal responsibility and limited government…without tricking people for votes and political power.
The Prime Law of Protection and the Protection-Only Budget capture the beautiful, original intentions of the democrats and republicans while removing the hypocritical tricks and power-plays. In many ways, the democrats and the republicans have become the same: their drive for political power has supplanted their original intentions. Indeed, when in power they are both spending away our country’s future, sending us into mind-boggling debt, bankrupting our children’s future. Soon, there will be nothing left if we stay with those two old political parties. The answer is the new Twelve Visions Party.
The Prime Law of Protection and The Protection-Only Budget are the two pillars that hold up this new party. They manifest the original beauty behind the two old parties without the lies, tricks, and power-plays that destroyed those beautiful original intentions.
If you ask me why the beautiful original intentions of republicans and democrats — those original intentions of fiscal responsibility/limited government and tolerance/acceptance/ protection of all people — why those beautiful intentions have instead bankrupted our country, I will tell you that the answer comes down to the steadily rising rule of man in America. Rule of man — flaw-filled man — craves political power and promptly establishes a ruling class. For over two-hundred years, the rule of nearly flawless law — our Constitution — has been steadily weakened by the rising rule of man…by federal judges, congressmen, presidents, bureaucrats, journalists…a strengthening ruling class hungry for political power and control.
The rising rule of man and his strengthening ruling class of democrats and republicans have severely damaged this country. Ordinary people are suffering. The Twelve Visions Party is here to reverse the rising rule of man and eventually eradicate it and its destruction of government and country. The Twelve Visions Party recognizes a unique opportunity to rapidly and radically turn this economy around. Whereas people’s wallets suffer greatly under the rising rule of man in America, the Twelve Visions Party sees an opportunity to arrest the rule of man and its suppressive ruling class in order to free the geniuses of society to make everyone prosperous, including the poor!
The Twelve Visions open the mind-space to visualize a Twelve Visions World. Here are the themes of the Twelve Visions that you will learn and even experience during your year-long journey:
The Twelve Visions
The Twelve Visions Party®
Those Twelve Visions are fully developed for you during your year-long Neothink® Journey. At first glance people automatically dismiss the Twelve Visions as unrealistic utopia. There is no way human beings can have all that perfection in this imperfect world! As farfetched and easily dismissible as the Twelve Visions seem in this sinking America…just remember: the world has NEVER seen the Great Technological Revolution — NEVER!
The personal computer revolution was a small microcosm and a forerunner. Computer buying power multiplied a thousandfold! With that in mind, imagine your buying power in general multiplying a thousandfold while super technologies and super entrepreneurs race forward as free and as fast as the unhindered personal computer industry of the late 20th century. Imagine it for a moment, then look again at the Twelve Visions above. Suddenly some of those Twelve Visions no longer seem so farfetched! Right?
Your Neothink® Journey ahead shows you a new world in which the Twelve Visions above come to life. Your Neothink® Journey demonstrates — vision by vision — how each vision listed above becomes reality for you this year and for everyone when the Twelve Visions Party replaces the two old parties through the Great Replacement Program.
The TVP postulates a different world, an alternative to everything we have ever known. The TVP gets down to the nuts-and-bolts of saving us through the Prime Law of Protection and the Protection-Only Budget. You have never seen anything like this Twelve Visions World. Take a closer look, for the Twelve Visions Party is the savior of your future and of your children.
The TVP Is Your Savior
When our debt becomes unsustainable, America’s wealth will collapse. Economic failure will follow. Chaos and civil unrest will threaten your family’s safety. America will sink into poverty and chaos…and eventually into tyranny.
The Twelve Visions Party was put in place at this time to catch America’s fall and prevent a civil catastrophe. The existence of the Twelve Visions Party is critical to every American. Whereas third parties in America ultimately exist as platforms to win political awareness and even to influence the two major parties, that is not the case with The Twelve Visions Party. Its end-rule-of-man Prime Law will never influence either major political party. The Twelve Visions Party was put in place at this time as the safeguard and savior of civilization after the economic collapse.
The Twelve Visions Party (TVP) has little to no effect today in the massive establishment of politics. However, the TVP is the most important political movement in America today. In an economic failure, the TVP will save you and your family from poverty, crime, tyranny. Unlike any other third party, the TVP plays a major role in your future.
Third parties stand little to no chance at the presidency. Admirable efforts have been made for decades, from the well-organized Libertarians, the Green Party, United We Stand, and others. With little chance of winning, the purpose of third-party presidential candidates is: getting their party’s ideas out and known…and winning influence upon the two major parties.
Unlike the other third parties, the purpose of the TVP at this time is not about winning political positions, nationally or locally, or even getting our ideas out and known. The purpose of the Twelve Visions Party at this time is something entirely different…something vital to each and every American. The immediate purpose of the TVP is to save you and your loved ones if our country goes into an economic meltdown. Let’s take a closer look:
Most Americans are aware of the mounting debt America has accumulated. Anyone who understands the least bit about economics knows the trouble America is in. Even without a basic understanding of economics, we see on TV and read online warnings from economists, professors, news journalist, even from politicians themselves. America is in deep financial trouble.
We are told we could be heading into disaster, whereby the bottom of our economy falls out. Our futures and our children’s futures could suffer an economic depression unlike the world has ever seen. By looking at America’s debt alone, the long-term future looks dangerous. That threatening future can all turn around if the TVP took hold, but a TVP President is not going to happen now; even gaining widespread state recognition will not happen in time to stop our imminent economic fall. Without a strong TVP direction, we face certain realities that guarantee disaster.
The critically important purpose of the Twelve Visions Party is clear: If America falls hard, if the bottom falls out from under this economy and we go into a systemic economic failure, the Twelve Visions Party with its Prime Law is the only thing there, the net that catches America’s fall and saves us from the horrors of poverty, crime, tyranny. When America experiences a catastrophic economic collapse…America will fall first into severe poverty, then civil unrest, chaos, and finally into tyranny. That failure cycle has been demonstrated throughout history. Prior to TVP, there was nothing in place to stop that failure cycle. Without TVP, we would sink deeper and deeper into poverty, civil unrest, and tyranny. Imagine that future for your children and loved ones…poverty and tyranny. The only thing now set in place that could stop this spiraling fall is the Twelve Visions Party and the entirely new political structure with the Prime Law, its pure and unhindered freedom that releases the geniuses of society, its protection-only government, its service-basis government versus the otherwise power-basis, tyranny-bound government. This entirely new TVP political paradigm in a completely new dimension of politics will be there, in place, as a stopgap, the net to catch America’s collapse and to give its people, our loved ones, a way out.
When you understand that TVP has little to do with third-party agendas of winning political influence, and once you realize that TVP is the ONLY possible net that can catch a collapsing America, then you can understand the importance and urgency of TVP NOW. When the financial failure hits, TVP and its Prime Law will be there to save our country. The TVP can literally save your life.